How to Become a Patient or Caregiver
Only registered qualified patients and registered caregivers are authorized to purchase medical cannabis.

Qualifications to Become a Registered Qualifying Patient
Patients 19 and Older:
- State resident
- Certified by registered physician
- Has qualifying condition
- Registered with the Commission
- Has been issued a valid medical cannabis card
Patients 19 and Under:
- State resident
- Certified by registered physician
- Has qualifying condition
- Registered with the Commission
- Has registered Caregiver who is either a parent or guardian
Qualifications to Become a Registered Caregiver:
- State resident
- Registered with Commission
- Issued a medical cannabis caregiver card
- At least 21 years old (unless parent/guardian of a registered qualified patient)
- May purchase and possess medical cannabis, but may not use medical cannabis unless he/she is also a registered qualified patient
Allowed Forms of Medical Cannabis Products:
- Tablets
- Capsules
- Tinctures
- Gels, Oils, and Creams for Topical Use
- Suppositories
- Transdermal patches
- Nebulizers
- Liquids or Oils for Use in an Inhaler
Prohibited Forms of Medical Cannabis Products:
- Raw Plant Material (Cannabis Flower)
- Products Consumed by Combustion or Vaporization (Smoking or Vaping)
- Food Products (Cookies or Candy)
How to Become a Certified Patient
Patient certifications have yet to begin in Alabama. Presently, no physicians are approved to
certify patients. The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission will outline this process soon, and
long before our Dispensaries are open to service Alabama’s new medical cannabis patients.
It isn’t too soon to start discussing medical cannabis and your qualifying condition with your
physician. Gather the documentation you have regarding your condition for the discussion
about medical cannabis with your physician.
Check Our Website Frequently for Program Updates. As soon as the process to become a
Certified Patient is finalized, we will detail it here for you, and include for you any relevant
forms or instructions. We do not give medical advice, but if you have any questions about the
process of becoming a Certified Patient we will be here to help.